Energy drinks are often praised for their benefits that are supposed to be an effective means of dealing with fatigue. Unfortunately, there is evidence supporting the idea that they may not be safe, as some side-effects or consequences can lead to dehydration.
The Need for Hydration
The body is composed of more than 60% water. This body water constitutes an important part of the composition of blood, and the blood itself which is the carrier of vital components throughout the body. Drinking enough energy drinks top list is almost as important as eating healthy food to maintain health.
Barely a day passes without hearing about some new kind of diet or some new method to lose weight. In recent years, people have become very much aware of hydration, especially since all sorts of marketing methods are directed towards it. The body needs water to perform all of the processes within it and all of the chemical reactions needed by the body are very much dependent on a sufficient amount of water.
The Issue with Dehydration
Dehydration is one of the most common problems seen in adults and children alike. In adults, this may be due to problems with drinking enough water, failing to drink enough water, or illness which may lead to the loss of fluids from the body. On the other hand, children are more likely to experience dehydration due to the fact that they are more likely to become ill and are less capable of deciding how much water they should drink.
Children and babies who do not get enough water may lose water from the body through their urine. The body then tries to compensate for this fluid loss by drawing fluid from other parts of the body into the blood. This can result in symptoms such as a dry mouth, thirst, dizziness, fatigue or headaches.