Part time trader insurance is for people who sells or repair car. People who work for normal income will be most relevant to a part time trader’s policy. The minimum level of vehicles repaired or sold is to be shown. This figure will be lower than trader policy but requires the same. Part time traders take road risk insurance. If this is not taken trade activity for profit the private car insurance is required. Selling, repairing and servicing vehicle’s is included in the policy. Insurers will also require seeing the trade activity.
In depth analysis of the policy
The policies of part time motor trade insurance are basic but have many features which cover public liability cover, material damage, coverage for your spouse or partner, single or multiple drivers, road risks and additional business use. You can also get a part time road risk policy as it is the most common type of motor trade part time policy. The policy covers the vehicle you possess. This policy covers the liability if you choose to have liability and not premise. Most traders work from home and premise cover comes under house insurance. Part time cover is thorough as well as cheaper.
The greater trade level of greater activity, the higher the chance of an accident happening that results in a claim. You can also gain extension that covers your main business if you work as a sole trader and if your primary income is you also your business. This will also combine the policies and reduce your insurance cost. You will also need to prove trade activity on a part time policy. You will have to prove a level or a trade activity to your insurer. In this policy you will have to show proof of buying and selling at least 6 cars for the year to the insurer. You will have to show multiple receipts or the invoices for the work you carry out if you are in vehicle repairs. You will not be able to obtain the policy if you’re repairing or selling 2 cars a year does not qualify as a business.